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tournament invitation RSX5D Blackmar Diemer Gambit-3

 Blackmar Diemer Gambit 

Dead line:Dead line for sign on was Monday, 19. January 2015 um 15:20 Uhr
Begin of Tournament:The tournament started am Sunday, 15. February 2015 um 12:00 Uhr automatically, als sich 5 Spieler angemeldet hatten.
Einsehbar ab:14.02.2015 12:00
Tournament manager:Manfred Scheiba
Reflection time limit:• 30 days for 10 moves
• Ohne Ansparen der Restbedenkzeit
• Reflection time exceeds of 1 or more days will be claimed autoatically.
Reminding mode:
• Friendly reminding when 5th days without a move.
• Warn of losing game when 7th days without a move.
• Game over when 10th days without a move.
Playing mode:
• 5 Player
• random drawing
• double rounded
Tournament theme:
FEN: rnbqkbnr/ppp1pppp/8/8/3Pp3/2N5/PPP2PPP/R1BQKBNR b KQkq - 1 3 D00: Blackmar-Diemer Gambit (BDG)
(1. d4 d5 2. e4 dxe4 3. Sc3 ... )
Tournament rules:remoteChess
tournament vacation:20 Tage pro Turnierrunde.
Participation fee:Free for remoteChess full members; all others need pay one tournament license.
Players strength:RS-Elo higher than or same as 2000
Titelanforderungen:no limits
Valuation:Games will affect the players RS-Elo.
Kibitz delay:6 moves
Registration:  The invitation is obsolete. Tournament is running or is done already.  
User rating:
4 (1 Votes)
4 0
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